In compliance with regulation no. 2019/2088 (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - SFDR), NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.a. publishes the information requested below.
Pursuant to article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 and article 12 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. declares that, at entity level, it does not take into consideration any negative effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors.
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. took this decision in consideration of the size, nature and breadth of its activities and also with reference to the indicators reported in table 1 of Annex I of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 for which the collection of the necessary data on main negative effects on sustainability factors will require further time for NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A.
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A., aware of the importance of integrating the consideration of the negative effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors, has started a process aimed at the progressive inclusion of the evaluation of the negative effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors within the own processes, with the aim of integrating as soon as possible a first list of sustainability factors which will be taken into consideration in the evaluation of the main negative effects as well as the measurement and monitoring methods, as required by the regulatory technical standards.
Information pursuant to art. 3 - Reg. (UE) 2019/2088
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. recognizes that the transition to a low-carbon, more sustainable and resource-efficient and circular economy, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, represents a fundamental step to ensure the long-term competitiveness of the European Union and global economy. Therefore, NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. attaches particular importance to "ESG" factors -environmental, social and governance- adopting the principles of responsibility and the essential aspects of those factors in the performance of its activities.
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. adopts a gradual approach in fulfilling the provisions envisaged and considers the reference of the regulatory framework. NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A., therefore, undertakes to update its information.
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. has started a process of adaptation of its operational and organizational structure that aims to introduce principles and criteria able to monitor the ESG risks into its operational management and investment processes.
Information according to art. 5 - Reg. (UE) 2019/2088
NEXT RE SIIQ's remuneration policies are a fundamental tool in support of medium and long-term strategies and aim to create value over time and sustainable growth for shareholders, employees, and investors; they promote healthy and effective risk management activity and discourage the assumption of risks inconsistent with the risk profiles and with the law of reference.
NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A. started a process of integration of ESG factors in its remuneration policy, through the adoption of an incentive and remuneration system linked to sustainability objectives. NOVA SIIQ SpA is gradually introducing in its organization a performance assessment system linked to the achievement of sustainable investment objectives, following the EU regulation 2019/2088 and best practices regarding the integration of objectives related to ESG issues in the remuneration and incentive policy.
Last update: 2025/06/27
In accordance with the sustainability path undertaken by NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.a., a certification was obtained according to the BREEAM In Use protocol on all assets of the real estate portfolio.
Company subject to the management and coordination of
CPI Property Group S.A.
Via Zara, n. 28 - 00198 Rome (Italy)
Share Capital € 63.264.527,93
VAT Number 00388570426
Copyright © 2022 NEXT RE SIIQ S.p.A.
all rights reserved.